Monday, May 7, 2007

i Can Quiz u

Your iPod is not just for listening to your favorite music, an audio book, podcasts, catching up on your latest episodes. You can play games on it and now, you can give a quiz on it with the program iQuiz.

The basic description tells you that it's potential for music lovers to test their knowledge, and one user actually warns of the battery drain the program serves. The description also encourages you to create music quizzes and share them with friends. Plus, it's less than a dollar and available from iTunes.

Interested? Come on, you know you want to write that grant for the video iPod and you're looking for anything to add some pizazz to the grant. Well here it is - iQuiz Maker. It works with the iQuiz game and if you go to their site, you can even download other quizzes already made.

I know cost is always important to know. This one might be a bit scary for a some. But don't worry, it works with PC and Mac and the potential to actually share the tests with other teachers, well - that's a big plus, right? And the iQuiz program itself is less than $1. Yeah, I can tell - you're really curious about the price.

It's free.


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