I can't dance, and I don't know why I'm hooked on this show. However, the show is a refreshing reminder of how we should be conducting ourselves in the classroom. Those who REALLY WANT to win, but don't have the natural talent, really put forth the effort. They really try. They make their rehearsals fun and they work extra hard. Now take Billy Ray tonight. He's not comfortable with the public show of affection required for the rumba. (I agree with Billy Ray that passion like that should be left for behind closed doors, no viewers watching and the lights out.) But since Billy Ray's not comfortable, and was a bit overstressed this week, he was not as good as he could have been. I voted for him, but he was just a bit lackluster tonight. (Tired from hosting a show, getting back in sync with his tv series and learning to let loose in the rumba? Not to mention raising his kids and everything else that's going on in his life.)

How? Easy, add some technology - whether it's in digital movies, podcasting, blogging, Inspiration and visual learning, or anything else that you can come up with that will help you reach them. Find a way to help them make the connections to their world.
So shake off your dancing shoes, find your passion and help your students have fun with learning. Integrating Technology's probably had a lot easier than the rumba.
1 comment:
I could not agree with you more, and your comparison with Dancing with the Stars was wonderful. I hope all is well with you.
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